All Project Posts:

Choosing how to display your data can emphasize different aspects.
How to have the most beautiful and professional scientific grant application of them all!
There are multiple ways to export a PDF from Word, and some are better than others!
I don't recommend using Google Docs for grant proposals for a lot of reasons
Inserting an SVG into Word is straightforward.
SVGs are a great format for figures inserted into Word for a scientific proposal. But there is a catch...
The best way to export SVG files from AI for Word.
A molecular biology flow chart with icons
I drew this graphical abstract in Adobe Illustrator.
A journal cover showing Bacteria working hard in a factory to fix nitrogen, in symbiosis with plant roots.
Species-specific drawings and animations for a journalism article about forest fires at Yellowstone park.
A little engineering pineapple design for a cutting board.
Fun T-Shirt Design
A paper about a new rat model stain with many graphs with matching formatting.
The differences between Vector-Based and Pixel-Based images.
I wrote and illustrated a mystery book with nature themes.
Animating existing graphics
Interactive educational ventilation / perfusion animation.
Graphical abstract for tidy short paper from the Wanagat lab,.
I drew many figures for a new Evolution Book by Dr. Luykx!
Composite photos add fun and interest to a new evolution book
Graphs from a new evolution book
Photoshopping an etching for better printing on paperback-quality paper
The home-made indoor rabbit enclosure finds a new home 7 years later.
A figure for a review about root nodule formation.
Designing a cut-out pattern for a trash screen, and how to preview router-cut designs in Adobe Illustrator.
Medicine-themed drawings for the The Bureau of Investigative Journalism
I used an Arduino to make a robot that would give pellet food to my pet rabbit on schedule.
Family trees, mythical animals, fake boar horns, and papers from 1912
A diagram showing the flow of money from big name brands to nefarious websites for The Bureau of Investigative Journalism.

Kate Baldwin