I got married in August of 2014, and we served pie. I made cardboard and parchment paper boxes for guests to take leftover pie home. I used the laser cutter at Sector67 and some chipboard (cardboard) that was kindly donated by another Sector member for us to use at a discount.

I drew the designs in Adobe Illustrator. The chipboard was cut and scored using the CNC laser cutter, and then glued using Elmer's glue and clips to hold them while they dried.

The liner was made of parchment paper to insure that pie-goo would not soak through the chipboard. It turns out that parchment paper is not only impervious to pie jelly, but it also resists all glues and tape that I tried. Since I could not use an adhesive to secure the liner in a triangle shape, I decided to use folded tabs and slots instead.

Parchment paper cuts easily on the laser cutter, but I was unable to score it because even the lowest setting cut through the parchment paper. Instead, I laser cut a piece of wood with guide-slots for where the creases should be. Then I used a dried-up old BIC pen to score the parchment using the wooden template.

Then it was folded along the score lines and the tabs inserted into the slots.

I bought some wooden forks from Amazon, and my Friend, Allison, helped me tie them to the box lids with ribbon.

The boxes worked really well for holding pie, but somewhere along the course of the night the staff hid all the pie boxes left under a table so guests thought we had run out. Oh well! We have been finding other uses for them.