Droplet Barrier Desk

March 25, 2020



Alison Craig, Ginny Jenkins, Jeff Steenis, and others at Group Health Cooperative (GHC) of South Central Wisconsin made this great shield for nurses to take Covid test sample from patients without having to use a lot of disposable PPE (which is running out).

Volunteers at my Makespace, Sector67, helped refine the design so that more can be made by DIYers using locally available items. Chris Meyer, Brian Busse, Mark Ptak, and others online spend 2 days scrambling to get as many of these built as fast as possible. GHC and Sector67 also made this helpful PDF so that people in other places can make their own. I was sheltering in place at home, but I did draw the first line-image in the PDF.

Here is the PDF with the building instructions for anyone to use!

And now, one of my favorite people, Mike Fisher of Heartwood.com, is mass-producing these using the machines they normally use for high-end woodworking in Rockford, IL. Thank you Heartwood!

Madison.com has written a news article about this project.

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